eCHT: Quadratic curve counting (Fall 2024)

Talk list

Date Speaker Talk title Topics
Sept. 9th Thomas Brazelton and Sabrina Pauli Overview Classical interpolation, broad ideas for the course
Sept. 16th Avik Chakravarty Quantum cohomology and Gromov-Witten classes Stacks, virtual fundamental classes
Sept. 28th Expert office hours with Jim Bryan
Sept. 23th Michael Zeng Quantum cohomology and Gromov-Witten classes II Quantum cohomology and Kontsevich's recursive formula for $N_d$
Sept. 25th Expert office hours with Mark Shoemaker
Sept. 30th Anna Viergever Interpolation over $\mathbb{R}$ Interpolation over the reals, Degtyarev and Kharlamov's computations for cubics. Welschinger invariants for real rational curves on the plane
Oct. 2nd Expert office hours with Frank Sottile
Oct. 7th Andrés Jaramillo Puentes Welschinger invariants Symplectic manifolds and $J$-holomorphic curves, Welschinger invariants more generally
Oct. 14th Jake Levinson Welschinger invariants and the moduli of real curves The moduli space of real stable curves, twisted real structures.
Oct. 16th Expert office hours with Xujia Chen
Oct. 21st Felix Röhrle $\mathbb{A}^1$-enumerative geometry Grothendieck-Witt rings, traces and norms, $\mathbb{A}^1$-Euler numbers, the $\mathbb{A}^1$-degree
Oct. 23rd Expert office hours with Stephen McKean
Oct. 28th

Note the misalignment between European and American daylight savings this week!

Lukas Bröring Global and local $\mathbb{A}^1$-degrees Relative orientations of maps of varieties, computations for local and global $\mathbb{A}^1$-degrees
Nov. 4th Jesse Pajwani KLSW part I The moduli space $\overline{\mathcal{M}_{0,n}}(\mathbb{P}^2,d)$, the evaluation map, and its twists
Nov. 6th Expert office hours with Jake Solomon
Nov. 11th Gabriela Guzmán KLSW part II Relative orientations of the evaluation map in characteristic zero and positive characteristic
Nov. 18th Candace Bethea KLSW part III Levine's quadratically enriched Welschinger invariants agreeing with the local degree of the avluation map, and the main theorem of KLSW
Nov. 25th Nathan Tiggemann Tropical correspondence theorems Tropical plane curves and dual subdivisions, Mikhalkin's correspondence theorem over the complex and real numbers, quadratically enriched tropical correspondence

More stuff

Some small values of $N_d$ and $W_d$:

$d$ #pts $N_d$ $W_d$
1 2 1 1
2 5 1 1
3 8 12 8
4 11 620 240
5 14 87,304 18,264